
                      In Learning

Why The Outdoor School?

Teachers’ Testimonials

Hear teachers discuss why they love coming to The Outdoor School, and what the program does for their students.

Quotes from Teachers:

“The food was great, and the staff was helpful. The counselors were very patient even with challenging students. They were also very kind and allowed the adults to participate in the activities.”    -Teacher, Fuentes Elementary, Spring 2019

“Watching my kids overcome their fears and branch out whether that was swimming, ropes, wall climb, or catching chickens.  That’s why we come every year.” -Teacher, Govalle Elementary, Spring 2019

“The experience was beautifully organized and orchestrated, with grace and happy hearts.  The staff were kind, patient, and knowledgeable.”  -Trinity Episcopal Victoria, Fall 2019

“Overall, I am so impressed with the enthusiasm all the counselors pour into their activities with the children.”               –  Teacher, Beth Yeshurun, Spring 2019.

“I like how students are given a choice and are challenged to do more when they decide to participate.”  -Teacher, Chaparral Star Academy, Spring 2019

Instructors’ Testimonials


Here are some quotes from Instructors on why The Outdoor School is great opportunity for the schools that attend and for the staff that get to work here.

“I think that outdoor education is a really positive thing in kids lives. It has the opportunity to take kids out of the status quo of the classroom and puts them in a new environment that allows them to see each other and themselves differently.” – Miss Caroline Spring 2018.

“It is a great opportunity for the kids. You put them in a completely different environment. They get to build friendships they would not normally have and they get to learn in a completely different setting.” -Miss Jenna Spring 2018.

“One of my favorite moments was with a group of high school students. We were doing camp out and sat in silence for 20 minutes during the sunset. Afterwards we had this really awesome introspective reflection and processing time about the importance of stepping away from technology and being in nature and how grounding and revitalizing nature can be.” – Miss Olivia Spring 2019

“Not only do I get to work outdoors all day and work with kids all day, but I think my absolute favorite part of working at The Outdoor School is just the staff we have. It feels like I have a bunch of built in best friends…it just feels like a family, it’s awesome.” – Miss Shelby Spring 2019

Parents’ Testimonials

  • “I am convinced that if my son had not attended The Outdoor School in 5th grade, he would not have adjusted to middle school as well as he did. He has always been uncomfortable that he was ‘different’ than other children; now he has confidence and feels secure in his identity. It was his trip to The Outdoor School that gave him his confidence.”            -Mother of Austin student


  • “The entire experience was really great!! The grounds are well kept and clean. The staff was great. I loved the way each instructor handled the different children’s personalities with respect and direction. You kept it on point and allowed us to have a wonderful experience with our students and children.” – Parent, Baldwin Elementary


  • “I loved the High Ropes and Games and Camp Fire, the instructors all did a great job making our kids feel special and empowered!” – Parent, Florence Elementary


  • “Really loved the trip as a parent with a child. It was outstanding kid safe fun.” – Parent Chaparral Star Academy